
From Actors to Gates
Jorn W Janneck

Jorn W Janneck. "From Actors to Gates". Talk or presentation, 9, October, 2007.

The growing complexity and capability of programmable logic devices generates a need for languages, methodologies and tools that better support the projection of complex algorithms and applications into these highly parallel machines than traditional hardware design does. At Xilinx, we are working on tools that allow users to program FPGAs using a dataflow methodology. A key component is the translation of actors, written in a dataflow actor language such as CAL, into synthesizable RTL. In this talk I will discuss the architecture of that tool and discuss some details of its operation.

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  • HTML
    Jorn W Janneck. <a
    ><i>From Actors to Gates</i></a>, Talk
    or presentation,  9, October, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Jorn W Janneck. "From Actors to Gates". Talk or
    presentation,  9, October, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jorn W Janneck},
        title = {From Actors to Gates},
        day = {9},
        month = {October},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {The growing complexity and capability of
                  programmable logic devices generates a need for
                  languages, methodologies and tools that better
                  support the projection of complex algorithms and
                  applications into these highly parallel machines
                  than traditional hardware design does. At Xilinx,
                  we are working on tools that allow users to
                  program FPGAs using a dataflow methodology. A key
                  component is the translation of actors, written in
                  a dataflow actor language such as CAL, into
                  synthesizable RTL. In this talk I will discuss the
                  architecture of that tool and discuss some details
                  of its operation. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/373.html}

Posted by Douglas Densmore on 25 Oct 2007.
Groups: chess
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