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Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) 2009 Prospectus
Edward A. Lee

Edward A. Lee. "Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) 2009 Prospectus". Technical report, Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS), UC Berkeley EECS Dept., January, 2009; 20 pages, printed copies available upon request.

CHESS was founded in 2002 to build foundational theories and practical tools for systems that combine computation, networking, and physical dynamics. The US National Science Foundation (NSF) provided the seed funding for the first five years under the Information Technology Research (ITR) program. CHESS is now thriving, with a rich portfolio of funded research projects and active collaborations with corporate partners. The current members include Bosch, HSBC, Lockheed-Martin, National Instruments, and Toyota, with additional projects funded by Agilent and IBM. NSF continues to fund projects in CHESS, as do the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Research Laboratory, and the State of California Micro Program. This report is an overview of these projects.

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  • HTML
    Edward A. Lee. <a
    for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) 2009
    Prospectus</i></a>, Technical report,  Center
    for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS), UC
    Berkeley EECS Dept., January, 2009; 20 pages, printed copies
    available upon <a
  • Plain text
    Edward A. Lee. "Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software
    Systems (CHESS) 2009 Prospectus". Technical report, 
    Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS), UC
    Berkeley EECS Dept., January, 2009; 20 pages, printed copies
    available upon <a
  • BibTeX
        author = {Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems
                  (CHESS) 2009 Prospectus},
        institution = {Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems
                  (CHESS), UC Berkeley EECS Dept.},
        month = {January},
        year = {2009},
        note = {20 pages, printed copies available upon <a
        abstract = {CHESS was founded in 2002 to build foundational
                  theories and practical tools for systems that
                  combine computation, networking, and physical
                  dynamics. The US National Science Foundation (NSF)
                  provided the seed funding for the first five years
                  under the Information Technology Research (ITR)
                  program. CHESS is now thriving, with a rich
                  portfolio of funded research projects and active
                  collaborations with corporate partners. The
                  current members include Bosch, HSBC,
                  Lockheed-Martin, National Instruments, and Toyota,
                  with additional projects funded by Agilent and
                  IBM. NSF continues to fund projects in CHESS, as
                  do the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research,
                  the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Research
                  Laboratory, and the State of California Micro
                  Program. This report is an overview of these
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/520.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 2 Feb 2009.
Groups: chess ptconf
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