
Model Transformation with Hierarchical Discrete-Event Control
Thomas Huining Feng

Thomas Huining Feng. "Model Transformation with Hierarchical Discrete-Event Control". Talk or presentation, 6, May, 2009; Dissertation Talk.

A flexible and efficient model transformation technique is developed in this work.

A basic transformation is defined with a transformation rule, which describes the relationship between an input model and the result of the transformation. The syntax for transformation rules is close to the modeling language that designers use to build the input models. The semantics is defined based on graph transformation theory.

A transformation workflow consists of basic transformations controlled in a control language. Existing control languages include state machines and variants of dataflow diagrams. Realizing their limitation in expressiveness and efficiency, we create the Ptera (Ptolemy event relationship actor) model of computation based on event graphs. Ptera is shown to be an appropriate control language for transformation workflows. It allows transformation tasks to be composed hierarchically. The event queue and the notion of model time enables scheduling of future tasks. The use of a local variable to represent the model under transformation eliminates the overhead caused by communication with transient data packages.

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  • HTML
    Thomas Huining Feng. <a
    ><i>Model Transformation with Hierarchical
    Discrete-Event Control</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  6, May, 2009; Dissertation Talk.
  • Plain text
    Thomas Huining Feng. "Model Transformation with
    Hierarchical Discrete-Event Control". Talk or
    presentation,  6, May, 2009; Dissertation Talk.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Thomas Huining Feng},
        title = {Model Transformation with Hierarchical
                  Discrete-Event Control},
        day = {6},
        month = {May},
        year = {2009},
        note = {Dissertation Talk},
        abstract = {A flexible and efficient model transformation
                  technique is developed in this work. <p> A basic
                  transformation is defined with a transformation
                  rule, which describes the relationship between an
                  input model and the result of the transformation.
                  The syntax for transformation rules is close to
                  the modeling language that designers use to build
                  the input models. The semantics is defined based
                  on graph transformation theory. <p> A
                  transformation workflow consists of basic
                  transformations controlled in a control language.
                  Existing control languages include state machines
                  and variants of dataflow diagrams. Realizing their
                  limitation in expressiveness and efficiency, we
                  create the Ptera (Ptolemy event relationship
                  actor) model of computation based on event graphs.
                  Ptera is shown to be an appropriate control
                  language for transformation workflows. It allows
                  transformation tasks to be composed
                  hierarchically. The event queue and the notion of
                  model time enables scheduling of future tasks. The
                  use of a local variable to represent the model
                  under transformation eliminates the overhead
                  caused by communication with transient data
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/583.html}

Posted by Thomas Huining Feng on 6 May 2009.
Groups: ptolemy
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