
Distributed Real-Time Software for Cyber-Physical Systems
John Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Sanjit Seshia, Jia Zou

John Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Sanjit Seshia, Jia Zou. "Distributed Real-Time Software for Cyber-Physical Systems". Proceedings of the IEEE (special issue on CPS), 100(1):45-59, January 2012.

Real-time embedded software today is commonly built using programming abstractions with little or no temporal semantics. This paper addresses this problem by presenting a programming model called PTIDES that serves as a coordination language for model-based design of distributed real-time embedded systems. Specifically, the paper describes the principles of PTIDES, which leverages network time synchronization to provide a determinate distributed real-time semantics. We show how PTIDES can function as a coordination language, orchestrating components that may be designed and specified using different formalisms. We show the use of this environment in the design of interesting and practical cyber-physical systems, such as a power plant control system.

Electronic downloads

  • DistributedRealTime.pdf · application/pdf · 5216 kbytes. (Following section 8.1.9 (pg. 56) of the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual we make the following statement: "This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.")
  • http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2011.2161237
Citation formats  
  • HTML
    John Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Sanjit Seshia,
    Jia Zou. <a
    >Distributed Real-Time Software for Cyber-Physical
    Systems</a>, <i>Proceedings of the IEEE (special
    issue on CPS)</i>, 100(1):45-59, January 2012.
  • Plain text
    John Eidson, Edward A. Lee, Slobodan Matic, Sanjit Seshia,
    Jia Zou. "Distributed Real-Time Software for
    Cyber-Physical Systems". <i>Proceedings of the
    IEEE (special issue on CPS)</i>, 100(1):45-59, January
  • BibTeX
        author = {John Eidson and Edward A. Lee and Slobodan Matic
                  and Sanjit Seshia and Jia Zou},
        title = {Distributed Real-Time Software for Cyber-Physical
        journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE (special issue on CPS)},
        volume = {100},
        number = {1},
        pages = {45 - 59},
        month = {January},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {Real-time embedded software today is commonly
                  built using programming abstractions with little
                  or no temporal semantics. This paper addresses
                  this problem by presenting a programming model
                  called PTIDES that serves as a coordination
                  language for model-based design of distributed
                  real-time embedded systems. Specifically, the
                  paper describes the principles of PTIDES, which
                  leverages network time synchronization to provide
                  a determinate distributed real-time semantics. We
                  show how PTIDES can function as a coordination
                  language, orchestrating components that may be
                  designed and specified using different formalisms.
                  We show the use of this environment in the design
                  of interesting and practical cyber-physical
                  systems, such as a power plant control system.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/850.html}

Posted by Edward A. Lee on 17 Jul 2011.
Groups: ptides
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