
Languages and Tools for Hybrid Systems Design
Luca Carloni, Roberto Passerone, Alessandro Pinto, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Luca Carloni, Roberto Passerone, Alessandro Pinto, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Languages and Tools for Hybrid Systems Design". Foundations and Trends in Design Automation, 1(1):1-204, 2006.

The explosive growth of embedded electronics is bringing information and control systems of increasing complexity to every aspects of our lives. The most challenging designs are safety-critical systems, such as transportation systems (e.g., airplanes, cars, and trains), industrial plants and health care monitoring. The difficulties reside in accommodating constraints both on functionality and implementation. The correct behavior must be guaranteed under diverse states of the environment and potential failures; implementation has to meet cost, size, and power consumption requirements. The design is therefore subject to extensive mathematical analysis and simulation. However, traditional models of information systems do not interface well to the continuous evolving nature of the environment in which these devices operate. Thus, in practice, different mathematical representations have to be mixed to analyze the overall behavior of the system. Hybrid systems are a particular class of mixed models that focus on the combination of discrete and continuous subsystems. There is a wealth of tools and languages that have been proposed over the years to handle hybrid systems. However, each tool makes different assumptions on the environment, resulting in somewhat different notions of hybrid system. This makes it difficult to share information among tools. Thus, the community cannot maximally leverage the substantial amount of work that has been directed to this important topic. In this paper, we review and compare hybrid system tools by highlighting their differences in terms of their underlying semantics, expressive power and mathematical mechanisms. We conclude our review with a comparative summary, which suggests the need for a unifying approach to hybrid systems design. As a step in this direction, we make the case for a semantic-aware interchange format, which would enable the use of joint techniques, make a formal comparison between different approaches possible, and facilitate exporting and importing design representations.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Luca Carloni, Roberto Passerone, Alessandro Pinto, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. <a
    >Languages and Tools for Hybrid Systems Design</a>,
    <i>Foundations and Trends in Design
    Automation</i>, 1(1):1-204,  2006.
  • Plain text
    Luca Carloni, Roberto Passerone, Alessandro Pinto, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Languages and Tools for
    Hybrid Systems Design". <i>Foundations and Trends
    in Design Automation</i>, 1(1):1-204,  2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Luca Carloni and Roberto Passerone and Alessandro
                  Pinto and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli},
        title = {Languages and Tools for Hybrid Systems Design},
        journal = {Foundations and Trends in Design Automation},
        volume = {1},
        number = {1},
        pages = {1-204},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {The explosive growth of embedded electronics is
                  bringing information and control systems of
                  increasing complexity to every aspects of our
                  lives. The most challenging designs are
                  safety-critical systems, such as transportation
                  systems (e.g., airplanes, cars, and trains),
                  industrial plants and health care monitoring. The
                  difficulties reside in accommodating constraints
                  both on functionality and implementation. The
                  correct behavior must be guaranteed under diverse
                  states of the environment and potential failures;
                  implementation has to meet cost, size, and power
                  consumption requirements. The design is therefore
                  subject to extensive mathematical analysis and
                  simulation. However, traditional models of
                  information systems do not interface well to the
                  continuous evolving nature of the environment in
                  which these devices operate. Thus, in practice,
                  different mathematical representations have to be
                  mixed to analyze the overall behavior of the
                  system. Hybrid systems are a particular class of
                  mixed models that focus on the combination of
                  discrete and continuous subsystems. There is a
                  wealth of tools and languages that have been
                  proposed over the years to handle hybrid systems.
                  However, each tool makes different assumptions on
                  the environment, resulting in somewhat different
                  notions of hybrid system. This makes it difficult
                  to share information among tools. Thus, the
                  community cannot maximally leverage the
                  substantial amount of work that has been directed
                  to this important topic. In this paper, we review
                  and compare hybrid system tools by highlighting
                  their differences in terms of their underlying
                  semantics, expressive power and mathematical
                  mechanisms. We conclude our review with a
                  comparative summary, which suggests the need for a
                  unifying approach to hybrid systems design. As a
                  step in this direction, we make the case for a
                  semantic-aware interchange format, which would
                  enable the use of joint techniques, make a formal
                  comparison between different approaches possible,
                  and facilitate exporting and importing design
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/98.html}

Posted by Alessandro Pinto on 15 May 2006.
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