
Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with KIELER
Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro Spoenemann, Christian Motika, Reinhard von Hanxleden

Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro Spoenemann, Christian Motika, Reinhard von Hanxleden. "Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with KIELER". Talk or presentation, 7, November, 2013; Presented at the 10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Berkeley.

During the development of Cyber-Physical Systems, Model-Driven Engineering is a common means to lower the development costs and time. Visual representations aid to preserve the manageability of large and complex models, however, they come with several challenges. Possibly hierarchical diagrams might exceed the size of a computer screen by several orders of magnitude, and great e ort has to be made to position elements on a canvas manually. To preserve manageability and comprehensibility of large diagrams, concepts that address the modeling pragmatics are used [4]. Among these are automatic graph drawing and the dynamic expanding and collapsing of hierarchical elements to browse a diagram. In the Kiel Integrated Environment for Layout Eclipse RichClient (KIELER)1 we combine several concepts to facilitate the exploration of large, hierarchical models. The Kieler Infrastructure for Meta Layout (KIML) incorporates a variety of different algorithms for automatic graph drawing. It allows to con gure these algorithms with certain properties (e. g., node spacing) and to apply different algorithms to different hierarchy levels. A specific type of diagram imposes specific requirements on the way it is drawn. Drawings of actor diagrams are often drawn left to right with orthogonal edge routing. Apart from that, the edges of state machines are drawn in the form of splines. The KLay Layered algorithm enhances the well-known and well-established layered approach, introduced by Sugiyama et al. [3], to support (hierarchical) ports and orthogonal edge routing [1]. The KLay Layered algorithm was integrated with the Ptolemy tool itself in 2009, providing automatic layout with results that are competitive with time-consuming manual layout. Visual models are created at best once and are read many times. Contrary to the modeler itself, an engineer who has to understand the functionality of a model, developed by somebody else, has no initial perception of the model at all. Hence, a good readability and a seamless and responsive tooling support is even more important during browsing than during editing. We therefore propose the use of transient, on-the-fly generated views on semantic models with the focus on efficiency and interactivity [2]. This concept resulted in the KLighD project. To illustrate this approach of on-the- flygenerated views, we developed an automatic model transformation from the MoML format, used by Ptolemy, to the KGraph format used in KIELER. This allows to view and browse complex Ptolemy models in a pleasant, responsive, and comprehensible fashion. Therefore, we would like to propose a presentation on our enhanced, KLighD-based model browser for Ptolemy models. The traditional way to explore these models as well as two new ways are illustrated in Fig. 1. 1. The original Vergil editor with manual layout and every hierarchical node in a new editor window (Fig. 1a). 2. A KLighD-based desktop application with automatic layout and hierarchy directly embedded within the overall model (Fig. 1b). 3. A browser-based viewer with automatic layout and embedded hierarchy that additionally allows collaboration (Fig. 1c). KLighD performs the diagram synthesis on a server, creates an SVG, and sends it to the browser for rendering. [1] Lars Kristian Klauske, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro Sponemann, and Reinhard von Hanxleden. Improved layout for data ow diagrams with port constraints. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (DIAGRAMS'12), volume 7352 of LNAI, pages 65{79. Springer, 2012. [2] Christian Schneider, Miro Sponemann, and Reinhard von Hanxleden. Just model! { Putting automatic synthesis of node-link-diagrams into practice. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'13), San Jose, CA, USA, September15{19 2013. [3] Kozo Sugiyama, Shojiro Tagawa, and Mitsuhiko Toda. Methods for visual understanding of hierarchical system structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 11(2):109{125, February 1981. [4] Reinhard von Hanxleden, Edward A. Lee, Christian Motika, and Hauke Fuhrmann. Multi-view modeling and pragmatics in 2020 | position paper on designing complex cyber-physical systems. In Proceedings of the 17th International Monterey Workshop on Development, Operation and Management of Large-Scale Complex IT Systems, LNCS, volume 7539, Oxford, UK, December 2012.

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  • HTML
    Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze,
    Miro Spoenemann, Christian Motika, Reinhard von Hanxleden.
    Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with
    KIELER</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  7,
    November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • Plain text
    Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze,
    Miro Spoenemann, Christian Motika, Reinhard von Hanxleden.
    "Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with
    KIELER". Talk or presentation,  7, November, 2013;
    Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Ulf Ruegg and Christian Schneider and Christoph
                  Daniel Schulze and Miro Spoenemann and Christian
                  Motika and Reinhard von Hanxleden},
        title = {Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with
        day = {7},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
                  Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley},
        abstract = {During the development of Cyber-Physical Systems,
                  Model-Driven Engineering is a common means to
                  lower the development costs and time. Visual
                  representations aid to preserve the manageability
                  of large and complex models, however, they come
                  with several challenges. Possibly hierarchical
                  diagrams might exceed the size of a computer
                  screen by several orders of magnitude, and great
                  eort has to be made to position elements on a
                  canvas manually. To preserve manageability and
                  comprehensibility of large diagrams, concepts that
                  address the modeling pragmatics are used [4].
                  Among these are automatic graph drawing and the
                  dynamic expanding and collapsing of hierarchical
                  elements to browse a diagram. In the Kiel
                  Integrated Environment for Layout Eclipse
                  RichClient (KIELER)1 we combine several concepts
                  to facilitate the exploration of large,
                  hierarchical models. The Kieler Infrastructure for
                  Meta Layout (KIML) incorporates a variety of
                  different algorithms for automatic graph drawing.
                  It allows to congure these algorithms with
                  certain properties (e. g., node spacing) and to
                  apply different algorithms to different hierarchy
                  levels. A specific type of diagram imposes
                  specific requirements on the way it is drawn.
                  Drawings of actor diagrams are often drawn left to
                  right with orthogonal edge routing. Apart from
                  that, the edges of state machines are drawn in the
                  form of splines. The KLay Layered algorithm
                  enhances the well-known and well-established
                  layered approach, introduced by Sugiyama et al.
                  [3], to support (hierarchical) ports and
                  orthogonal edge routing [1]. The KLay Layered
                  algorithm was integrated with the Ptolemy tool
                  itself in 2009, providing automatic layout with
                  results that are competitive with time-consuming
                  manual layout. Visual models are created at best
                  once and are read many times. Contrary to the
                  modeler itself, an engineer who has to understand
                  the functionality of a model, developed by
                  somebody else, has no initial perception of the
                  model at all. Hence, a good readability and a
                  seamless and responsive tooling support is even
                  more important during browsing than during
                  editing. We therefore propose the use of
                  transient, on-the-fly generated views on semantic
                  models with the focus on efficiency and
                  interactivity [2]. This concept resulted in the
                  KLighD project. To illustrate this approach of
                  on-the- flygenerated views, we developed an
                  automatic model transformation from the MoML
                  format, used by Ptolemy, to the KGraph format used
                  in KIELER. This allows to view and browse complex
                  Ptolemy models in a pleasant, responsive, and
                  comprehensible fashion. Therefore, we would like
                  to propose a presentation on our enhanced,
                  KLighD-based model browser for Ptolemy models. The
                  traditional way to explore these models as well as
                  two new ways are illustrated in Fig. 1. 1. The
                  original Vergil editor with manual layout and
                  every hierarchical node in a new editor window
                  (Fig. 1a). 2. A KLighD-based desktop application
                  with automatic layout and hierarchy directly
                  embedded within the overall model (Fig. 1b). 3. A
                  browser-based viewer with automatic layout and
                  embedded hierarchy that additionally allows
                  collaboration (Fig. 1c). KLighD performs the
                  diagram synthesis on a server, creates an SVG, and
                  sends it to the browser for rendering. [1] Lars
                  Kristian Klauske, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro
                  Sponemann, and Reinhard von Hanxleden. Improved
                  layout for data ow diagrams with port constraints.
                  In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
                  on the Theory and Application of Diagrams
                  (DIAGRAMS'12), volume 7352 of LNAI, pages 65{79.
                  Springer, 2012. [2] Christian Schneider, Miro
                  Sponemann, and Reinhard von Hanxleden. Just
                  model! { Putting automatic synthesis of
                  node-link-diagrams into practice. In Proceedings
                  of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and
                  Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'13), San Jose, CA,
                  USA, September15{19 2013. [3] Kozo Sugiyama,
                  Shojiro Tagawa, and Mitsuhiko Toda. Methods for
                  visual understanding of hierarchical system
                  structures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
                  Cybernetics, 11(2):109{125, February 1981. [4]
                  Reinhard von Hanxleden, Edward A. Lee, Christian
                  Motika, and Hauke Fuhrmann. Multi-view modeling
                  and pragmatics in 2020 | position paper on
                  designing complex cyber-physical systems. In
                  Proceedings of the 17th International Monterey
                  Workshop on Development, Operation and Management
                  of Large-Scale Complex IT Systems, LNCS, volume
                  7539, Oxford, UK, December 2012.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1030.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 16 Nov 2013.
Groups: chess
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