
BPDF: A Statically Analyzable DataFlow Model with Integer and Boolean Parameters
Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Bruno Lavigueur

Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Bruno Lavigueur. "BPDF: A Statically Analyzable DataFlow Model with Integer and Boolean Parameters". Talk or presentation, 7, November, 2013; Presented at the 10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Berkeley. .

Dataflow programming models are well-suited to program many-core streaming applications. However, many streaming applications have a dynamic behavior. To capture this behavior, parametric data ow models have been introduced over the years. Still, such models do not allow the topology of the data ow graph to change at runtime, a feature that is also required to program modern streaming applications. To overcome these restrictions, we propose a new model of computation, the Boolean Parametric Data Flow (BPDF) model which combines integer parameters (to ex- press dynamic rates) and boolean parameters (to express the activation and deactivation of communication channels). High dynamism is provided by integer parameters which can change at each basic iteration and boolean parameters which can even change within the iteration. The major challenge with such dynamic models is to guarantee liveness and boundedness. We present static analyses which ensure statically the liveness and the boundedness of BDPF graphs. We also introduce a scheduling methodology to implement our model on highly parallel platforms and demonstrate our approach using a video decoder case study.

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  • HTML
    Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Bruno 
    Lavigueur. <a
    A Statically Analyzable DataFlow Model with Integer and
    Boolean Parameters</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  7, November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • Plain text
    Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Bruno 
    Lavigueur. "BPDF: A Statically Analyzable DataFlow
    Model with Integer and Boolean Parameters". Talk or
    presentation,  7, November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Vagelis Bebelis and Pascal Fradet and Alain
                  Girault and Bruno  Lavigueur},
        title = {BPDF: A Statically Analyzable DataFlow Model with
                  Integer and Boolean Parameters},
        day = {7},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
                  Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
        abstract = {Dataflow programming models are well-suited to
                  program many-core streaming applications. However,
                  many streaming applications have a dynamic
                  behavior. To capture this behavior, parametric
                  data ow models have been introduced over the
                  years. Still, such models do not allow the
                  topology of the data ow graph to change at
                  runtime, a feature that is also required to
                  program modern streaming applications. To overcome
                  these restrictions, we propose a new model of
                  computation, the Boolean Parametric Data Flow
                  (BPDF) model which combines integer parameters (to
                  ex- press dynamic rates) and boolean parameters
                  (to express the activation and deactivation of
                  communication channels). High dynamism is provided
                  by integer parameters which can change at each
                  basic iteration and boolean parameters which can
                  even change within the iteration. The major
                  challenge with such dynamic models is to guarantee
                  liveness and boundedness. We present static
                  analyses which ensure statically the liveness and
                  the boundedness of BDPF graphs. We also introduce
                  a scheduling methodology to implement our model on
                  highly parallel platforms and demonstrate our
                  approach using a video decoder case study.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1041.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 21 Nov 2013.
Groups: ptolemy
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