
Homogenous Semantic Preserving Deployments of Heterogenous Networks of Embedded Systems
Aaron Ames, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry

Aaron Ames, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry. "Homogenous Semantic Preserving Deployments of Heterogenous Networks of Embedded Systems". Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control, October, 2005.

Tagged systems provide a denotational semantics for embedded systems. A heterogeneous network of embedded systems can be modeled mathematically by a network of tagged systems. Taking the heterogeneous composition of this network results in a single, homogeneous, tagged system. The question this paper addresses is: when is semantics (behavior) preserved by composition? To answer this question, we use the framework of category theory to reason about heterogeneous system composition and derive results that are as general as possible. In particular, we define the category of tagged systems, demonstrate that a network of tagged systems corresponds to a diagram in this category and prove that taking the composition of a network of tagged systems is equivalent to taking the limit of this diagram---thus composition is endowed with a universal property. Using this universality, we are able to derive verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions on when composition preserves semantics.

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  • HTML
    Aaron Ames, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry.
    >Homogenous Semantic Preserving Deployments of
    Heterogenous Networks of Embedded Systems</a>,
    Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control, October,
  • Plain text
    Aaron Ames, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry.
    "Homogenous Semantic Preserving Deployments of
    Heterogenous Networks of Embedded Systems". Workshop on
    Networked Embedded Sensing and Control, October, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Aaron Ames and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and
                  Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Homogenous Semantic Preserving Deployments of
                  Heterogenous Networks of Embedded Systems},
        booktitle = {Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control},
        month = {October},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {Tagged systems provide a denotational semantics
                  for embedded systems. A heterogeneous network of
                  embedded systems can be modeled mathematically by
                  a network of tagged systems. Taking the
                  heterogeneous composition of this network results
                  in a single, homogeneous, tagged system. The
                  question this paper addresses is: when is
                  semantics (behavior) preserved by composition? To
                  answer this question, we use the framework of
                  category theory to reason about heterogeneous
                  system composition and derive results that are as
                  general as possible. In particular, we define the
                  category of tagged systems, demonstrate that a
                  network of tagged systems corresponds to a diagram
                  in this category and prove that taking the
                  composition of a network of tagged systems is
                  equivalent to taking the limit of this
                  diagram---thus composition is endowed with a
                  universal property. Using this universality, we
                  are able to derive verifiable necessary and
                  sufficient conditions on when composition
                  preserves semantics.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/124.html}

Posted by Aaron Ames on 15 May 2006.
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