
Automated Mapping from a Domain Specific Language to a Commercial Embedded Multiprocessor
William Plishker, Kurt Keutzer

William Plishker, Kurt Keutzer. "Automated Mapping from a Domain Specific Language to a Commercial Embedded Multiprocessor". Unpublished article, May, 2006; Submitted to CODES 2006.

Application specific programmable systems are capable of high performance implementations while remaining flexible enough to support a range of applications. Architects of these systems achieve high performance through domain specific optimizations, often introduced at the expense of programming productivity. We examine one of the most performance critical and time consuming steps to arriving at efficient implementations on these platforms: the mapping of an application to a target architecture. We accelerate this step by constructing a model of the architecture which captures its key features while being amenable to automated mapping. With an analogous presentation of the application and mapping formulated as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem, we demonstrate this approach finds solutions that are guaranteed to be close to optimal solutions with respect to this model. These solutions enable efficient implementations of representative network applications on a commercial network processor family. We show this approach can produce an implementation comparable to a hand crafted design.

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  • HTML
    William Plishker, Kurt Keutzer. <a
    ><i>Automated Mapping from a Domain Specific
    Language to a Commercial Embedded
    Multiprocessor</i></a>, Unpublished article, 
    May, 2006; Submitted to CODES 2006.
  • Plain text
    William Plishker, Kurt Keutzer. "Automated Mapping from
    a Domain Specific Language to a Commercial Embedded
    Multiprocessor". Unpublished article,  May, 2006;
    Submitted to CODES 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {William Plishker and Kurt Keutzer},
        title = {Automated Mapping from a Domain Specific Language
                  to a Commercial Embedded Multiprocessor},
        month = {May},
        year = {2006},
        note = {Submitted to CODES 2006},
        abstract = {Application specific programmable systems are
                  capable of high performance implementations while
                  remaining flexible enough to support a range of
                  applications. Architects of these systems achieve
                  high performance through domain specific
                  optimizations, often introduced at the expense of
                  programming productivity. We examine one of the
                  most performance critical and time consuming steps
                  to arriving at efficient implementations on these
                  platforms: the mapping of an application to a
                  target architecture. We accelerate this step by
                  constructing a model of the architecture which
                  captures its key features while being amenable to
                  automated mapping. With an analogous presentation
                  of the application and mapping formulated as an
                  integer linear programming (ILP) problem, we
                  demonstrate this approach finds solutions that are
                  guaranteed to be close to optimal solutions with
                  respect to this model. These solutions enable
                  efficient implementations of representative
                  network applications on a commercial network
                  processor family. We show this approach can
                  produce an implementation comparable to a hand
                  crafted design. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/133.html}

Posted by William Plishker on 15 May 2006.
Groups: chess
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