
Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java (Volume 2: Ptolemy II Software Architecture)
Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng

Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. "Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java (Volume 2: Ptolemy II Software Architecture)". Technical report, University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2007-8, February, 2007.

This volume describes the software architecture of Ptolemy II. The first chapter covers the kernel package, which provides a set of Java classes supporting clustered graph topologies for models. Cluster graphs provide a very general abstract syntax for component-based modeling, without assuming or imposing any semantics on the models. The actor package begins to add semantics by providing basic infrastructure for data transport between components. The data package provides classes to encapsulate the data that is transported. It also provides an extensible type system and an interpreted expression language. The graph package provides graph-theoretic algorithms that are used in the type system and by schedulers in the individual domains. The plot package provides a visual data plotting utility that is used in many of the applets and applications. The codegen package is a templated based code generator similar to the Ptolemy Classic code generators. The copernicus package is a code generator that performs static analysis on Java class files to produce smaller, faster executable models.

Volume 1 gives an introduction to Ptolemy II, including tutorials on the use of the software, and volume 3 describes the domains, each of which implements a model of computation.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen
    Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. <a
    ><i>Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in
    Java (Volume 2: Ptolemy II Software
    Architecture)</i></a>, Technical report, 
    University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2007-8,
    February, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen
    Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. "Heterogeneous
    Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java (Volume 2: Ptolemy II
    Software Architecture)". Technical report,  University
    of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2007-8, February, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Christopher Brooks and Edward A. Lee and Xiaojun
                  Liu and Stephen Neuendorffer and Yang Zhao and
                  Haiyang Zheng},
        title = {Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in
                  Java (Volume 2: Ptolemy II Software Architecture)},
        institution = {University of California, Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/EECS-2007-8},
        month = {February},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {This volume describes the software architecture of
                  Ptolemy II. The first chapter covers the kernel
                  package, which provides a set of Java classes
                  supporting clustered graph topologies for models.
                  Cluster graphs provide a very general abstract
                  syntax for component-based modeling, without
                  assuming or imposing any semantics on the models.
                  The actor package begins to add semantics by
                  providing basic infrastructure for data transport
                  between components. The data package provides
                  classes to encapsulate the data that is
                  transported. It also provides an extensible type
                  system and an interpreted expression language. The
                  graph package provides graph-theoretic algorithms
                  that are used in the type system and by schedulers
                  in the individual domains. The plot package
                  provides a visual data plotting utility that is
                  used in many of the applets and applications. The
                  codegen package is a templated based code
                  generator similar to the Ptolemy Classic code
                  generators. The copernicus package is a code
                  generator that performs static analysis on Java
                  class files to produce smaller, faster executable
                  models. <p>Volume 1 gives an introduction to
                  Ptolemy II, including tutorials on the use of the
                  software, and volume 3 describes the domains, each
                  of which implements a model of computation. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/310.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 7 Jun 2007.
Groups: ptolemy
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