
A Type System for the Automatic Distribution of Higher-order Synchronous Dataflow Programs
Girault Alain

Girault Alain. "A Type System for the Automatic Distribution of Higher-order Synchronous Dataflow Programs". Talk or presentation, 10, June, 2008.

We address the design of distributed systems with synchronous dataflow programming languages. As modular design entails handling both architectural and functional modularity, our first contribution is to extend an existing synchronous dataflow programming language with primitives allowing the description of a distributed architecture and the localization of some expressions onto some processors. We also present a distributed semantics to formalize the distributed execution of synchronous programs. Our second contribution is to provide a type system, in order to infer the localization of non-annotated values by means of type inference and to ensure, at compilation time, the consistency of the distribution. Our third contribution is to provide a type-directed projection operation to obtain automatically, from a centralized typed program, the local program to be executed by each computing resource. The type system as well as the automatic distribution mechanism has been fully implemented in the compiler of an existing synchronous dataflow programming language (namely Lucid Synchrone).

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  • HTML
    Girault Alain. <a
    ><i>A Type System for the Automatic Distribution of
    Higher-order Synchronous Dataflow
    Programs</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  10,
    June, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Girault Alain. "A Type System for the Automatic
    Distribution of Higher-order Synchronous Dataflow
    Programs". Talk or presentation,  10, June, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Girault Alain},
        title = {A Type System for the Automatic Distribution of
                  Higher-order Synchronous Dataflow Programs},
        day = {10},
        month = {June},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {We address the design of distributed systems with
                  synchronous dataflow programming languages. As
                  modular design entails handling both architectural
                  and functional modularity, our first contribution
                  is to extend an existing synchronous dataflow
                  programming language with primitives allowing the
                  description of a distributed architecture and the
                  localization of some expressions onto some
                  processors. We also present a distributed
                  semantics to formalize the distributed execution
                  of synchronous programs. Our second contribution
                  is to provide a type system, in order to infer the
                  localization of non-annotated values by means of
                  type inference and to ensure, at compilation time,
                  the consistency of the distribution. Our third
                  contribution is to provide a type-directed
                  projection operation to obtain automatically, from
                  a centralized typed program, the local program to
                  be executed by each computing resource. The type
                  system as well as the automatic distribution
                  mechanism has been fully implemented in the
                  compiler of an existing synchronous dataflow
                  programming language (namely Lucid Synchrone). },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/432.html}

Posted by Hiren Patel on 10 Jun 2008.
Groups: chess
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