
Disciplined Message Passing
Edward A. Lee

Edward A. Lee. "Disciplined Message Passing". Technical report, EECS Dept. University of California Berkeley, January, 2009.

This paper addresses the question of whether message passing provides an adequate programming model to address current needs in programming multicore processors. It studies the pitfalls of message passing as a concurrency model and argues that programmers need more structure than what is provided by today's popular message passing libraries. Collective operations and design patterns can help a great deal but as the use of concurrency in programming increases application programmers will have increasing difficulty identifying and combining these into complex operations. Moreover some challenges such as ensuring data determinacy and managing deadlock and buffer memory are extremely subtle and require considerable expertise to implement correctly. This paper illustrates this point by giving a few problematic examples. I argue that application programmers should not have to deal with many of these challenges but with today's message passing libraries they have no choice. The solution is to provide infrastructure-level support implementing more disciplined concurrent models of computation (MoCs). I show excellent implementations of the requisite mechanisms thus enabling application programmers to focus on the functionality of the application rather than on avoiding the pitfalls of concurrent programming.

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  • HTML
    Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i>Disciplined Message
    Passing</i></a>, Technical report,  EECS Dept.
    University of California Berkeley, January, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Edward A. Lee. "Disciplined Message Passing".
    Technical report,  EECS Dept. University of California
    Berkeley, January, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Disciplined Message Passing},
        institution = {EECS Dept. University of California Berkeley},
        month = {January},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {This paper addresses the question of whether
                  message passing provides an adequate programming
                  model to address current needs in programming
                  multicore processors. It studies the pitfalls of
                  message passing as a concurrency model and argues
                  that programmers need more structure than what is
                  provided by today's popular message passing
                  libraries. Collective operations and design
                  patterns can help a great deal but as the use of
                  concurrency in programming increases application
                  programmers will have increasing difficulty
                  identifying and combining these into complex
                  operations. Moreover some challenges such as
                  ensuring data determinacy and managing deadlock
                  and buffer memory are extremely subtle and require
                  considerable expertise to implement correctly.
                  This paper illustrates this point by giving a few
                  problematic examples. I argue that application
                  programmers should not have to deal with many of
                  these challenges but with today's message passing
                  libraries they have no choice. The solution is to
                  provide infrastructure-level support implementing
                  more disciplined concurrent models of computation
                  (MoCs). I show excellent implementations of the
                  requisite mechanisms thus enabling application
                  programmers to focus on the functionality of the
                  application rather than on avoiding the pitfalls
                  of concurrent programming.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/516.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 20 Jan 2009.
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