
PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded System Building from Theory to Practice
Jia Zou, Joshua Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Edward A. Lee

Jia Zou, Joshua Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Edward A. Lee. "PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded System Building from Theory to Practice". Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2009), Dublin, Ireland, Published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 44(7), pp. 31-40, 19, June, 2009.

The Flexotask system claims to enable implementation of both real-time applications and real-time schedulers in a Java Virtual Machine using an actors-like model. The PTIDES model is an actors-like model that claims to deliver precise control over end-to-end latencies in a complex real-time system. The present work jointly investigates both claims by (1) implementing several PTIDES-based schedulers as Flexotask scheduler plugins, and (2) using the resulting system to implement a new reactive control program for a simulation of the JAviator (previously used to evaluate Exotasks, a precursor to Flexotask). We present results from the realistic JAviator control application and also from synthetic benchmarks designed to shed light on the differences between the several PTIDES schedulers we implemented.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jia Zou, Joshua Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Edward A. Lee.
    >PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded System
    Building from Theory to Practice</a>, Languages,
    Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2009),
    Dublin, Ireland, Published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 44(7),
    pp. 31-40, 19, June, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Jia Zou, Joshua Auerbach, David F. Bacon, Edward A. Lee.
    "PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded
    System Building from Theory to Practice". Languages,
    Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2009),
    Dublin, Ireland, Published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 44(7),
    pp. 31-40, 19, June, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jia Zou and Joshua Auerbach and David F. Bacon and
                  Edward A. Lee},
        title = {PTIDES on Flexible Task Graph: Real-Time Embedded
                  System Building from Theory to Practice},
        booktitle = {Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded
                  Systems (LCTES 2009), Dublin, Ireland},
        organization = {Published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices},
        pages = {44(7), pp. 31-40},
        day = {19},
        month = {June},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {The Flexotask system claims to enable
                  implementation of both real-time applications and
                  real-time schedulers in a Java Virtual Machine
                  using an actors-like model. The PTIDES model is an
                  actors-like model that claims to deliver precise
                  control over end-to-end latencies in a complex
                  real-time system. The present work jointly
                  investigates both claims by (1) implementing
                  several PTIDES-based schedulers as Flexotask
                  scheduler plugins, and (2) using the resulting
                  system to implement a new reactive control program
                  for a simulation of the JAviator (previously used
                  to evaluate Exotasks, a precursor to Flexotask).
                  We present results from the realistic JAviator
                  control application and also from synthetic
                  benchmarks designed to shed light on the
                  differences between the several PTIDES schedulers
                  we implemented.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/588.html}

Posted by Jia Zou on 14 May 2009.
Groups: chess ptides
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