
Heterogeneous Concurrent Modling and Design in Java (Volume 3: Ptolemy II Domains)
Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng

Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. "Heterogeneous Concurrent Modling and Design in Java (Volume 3: Ptolemy II Domains)". Technical report, EECS Dept., UC Berkeley, 23, July, 2005.

This volume describes Ptolemy II domains. The domains implement models of computation, which are summarized in chapter 1. Most of these models of computation can be viewed as a framework for component-based design, where the framework defines the interaction mechanism between the components. Some of the domains (CSP, DDE, and PN) are thread-oriented, meaning that the components implement Java threads. These can be viewed, therefore, as abstractions upon which to build threaded Java programs. These abstractions are much easier to use (much higher level) than the raw threads and monitors of Java. Others (CT, DE, SDF) of the domains implement their own scheduling between actors, rather than relying on threads. This usually results in much more efficient execution. The Giotto domain, which addresses real-time computation, is not threaded, but has concurrency features similar to threaded domains. The FSM domain is in a category by itself, since in it, the components are not producers and consumers of data, but rather are states. The non-threaded domains are described first, followed by FSM and Giotto, followed by the threaded domains. Within this grouping, the domains are ordered alphabetically (which is an arbitrary choice). Volume 1 is an introduction to Ptolemy II, including tutorials on use of the software, and volume 2 describes the Ptolemy II software architecture.

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  • HTML
    Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen
    Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. <a
    ><i>Heterogeneous Concurrent Modling and Design in
    Java (Volume 3: Ptolemy II Domains)</i></a>,
    Technical report,  EECS Dept., UC Berkeley, 23, July, 2005.
  • Plain text
    Christopher Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen
    Neuendorffer, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng. "Heterogeneous
    Concurrent Modling and Design in Java (Volume 3: Ptolemy II
    Domains)". Technical report,  EECS Dept., UC Berkeley,
    23, July, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Christopher Brooks and Edward A. Lee and Xiaojun
                  Liu and Stephen Neuendorffer and Yang Zhao and
                  Haiyang Zheng},
        title = {Heterogeneous Concurrent Modling and Design in
                  Java (Volume 3: Ptolemy II Domains)},
        institution = {EECS Dept., UC Berkeley},
        number = {23},
        month = {July},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {This volume describes Ptolemy II domains. The
                  domains implement models of computation, which are
                  summarized in chapter 1. Most of these models of
                  computation can be viewed as a framework for
                  component-based design, where the framework
                  defines the interaction mechanism between the
                  components. Some of the domains (CSP, DDE, and PN)
                  are thread-oriented, meaning that the components
                  implement Java threads. These can be viewed,
                  therefore, as abstractions upon which to build
                  threaded Java programs. These abstractions are
                  much easier to use (much higher level) than the
                  raw threads and monitors of Java. Others (CT, DE,
                  SDF) of the domains implement their own scheduling
                  between actors, rather than relying on threads.
                  This usually results in much more efficient
                  execution. The Giotto domain, which addresses
                  real-time computation, is not threaded, but has
                  concurrency features similar to threaded domains.
                  The FSM domain is in a category by itself, since
                  in it, the components are not producers and
                  consumers of data, but rather are states. The
                  non-threaded domains are described first, followed
                  by FSM and Giotto, followed by the threaded
                  domains. Within this grouping, the domains are
                  ordered alphabetically (which is an arbitrary
                  choice). Volume 1 is an introduction to Ptolemy
                  II, including tutorials on use of the software,
                  and volume 2 describes the Ptolemy II software
                  architecture. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/64.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 5 May 2006.
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