
Simple Stochastic Parity Games
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Marcin Jurdzinski, Tom Henzinger

Krishnendu Chatterjee, Marcin Jurdzinski, Tom Henzinger. "Simple Stochastic Parity Games". In Proceedings of the International Conference for Computer Science Logic (CSL), 100-113, 2003.

Many verification, planning, and control problems can be modeled as games played on state-transition graphs by one or two players whose conflicting goals are to form a path in the graph which satisfies a given objective. The focus here is on simple stochastic parity games, that is, two-player games with turn-based probabilistic transitions and omega-regular objectives formalized as parity (Rabin chain) winning conditions. An efficient translation from simple stochastic parity games to nonstochastic parity games is given. As many algorithms are known for solving the latter, the translation yields efficient algorithms for computing the states of a simple stochastic parity game from which a player can win with probability 1. An important special case of simple stochastic parity games are the Markov decision processes with Buchi objectives. For this special case a first provably subquadratic algorithm is given for computing the states from which the single player has a strategy to achieve a Buchi objective with probability 1. For game graphs with m edges the algorithm works in time O(m^1.5). Interestingly, a similar technique sheds light on the question of the computational complexity of solving simple Buchi games and yields the first provably subquadratic algorithm, with a running time of O(n^2/log n) for game graphs with n vertices and O(n) edges.

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  • HTML
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Marcin Jurdzinski, Tom Henzinger.
    >Simple Stochastic Parity Games</a>, In Proceedings
    of the International Conference for Computer Science Logic
    (CSL), 100-113, 2003.
  • Plain text
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Marcin Jurdzinski, Tom Henzinger.
    "Simple Stochastic Parity Games". In Proceedings
    of the International Conference for Computer Science Logic
    (CSL), 100-113, 2003.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Krishnendu Chatterjee and Marcin Jurdzinski and
                  Tom Henzinger},
        title = {Simple Stochastic Parity Games},
        booktitle = {In Proceedings of the International Conference for
                  Computer Science Logic (CSL)},
        pages = {100-113},
        year = {2003},
        abstract = {Many verification, planning, and control problems
                  can be modeled as games played on state-transition
                  graphs by one or two players whose conflicting
                  goals are to form a path in the graph which
                  satisfies a given objective. The focus here is on
                  simple stochastic parity games, that is,
                  two-player games with turn-based probabilistic
                  transitions and omega-regular objectives
                  formalized as parity (Rabin chain) winning
                  conditions. An efficient translation from simple
                  stochastic parity games to nonstochastic parity
                  games is given. As many algorithms are known for
                  solving the latter, the translation yields
                  efficient algorithms for computing the states of a
                  simple stochastic parity game from which a player
                  can win with probability 1. An important special
                  case of simple stochastic parity games are the
                  Markov decision processes with Buchi objectives.
                  For this special case a first provably
                  subquadratic algorithm is given for computing the
                  states from which the single player has a strategy
                  to achieve a Buchi objective with probability 1.
                  For game graphs with m edges the algorithm works
                  in time O(m^1.5). Interestingly, a similar
                  technique sheds light on the question of the
                  computational complexity of solving simple Buchi
                  games and yields the first provably subquadratic
                  algorithm, with a running time of O(n^2/log n) for
                  game graphs with n vertices and O(n) edges.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/729.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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