
The Coroutine Model of Computation
Chris Shaver, Edward A. Lee

Chris Shaver, Edward A. Lee. "The Coroutine Model of Computation". Technical report, University of California Berkeley, April, 2012.

This paper presents a general denotational formalism called the Coroutine Model of Computation for control-oriented computational models. This formalism characterizes atomic elements with control behavior as Continuation Actors, giving them a static semantics with a functional interface. Coroutine Models are then defined as networks of Continuation Actors, representing a set of control locations between which control traverses during execution. This paper gives both a strict and non-strict denotational semantics for Coroutine Models in terms of compositions of Continuation Actors and their interfaces. In the strict form, the traversal of control locations forms a control path producing output values, whereas in the non-strict form, execution traverses a tree of potential control locations producing partial information about output values. Furthermore, the given non-strict form of these semantics is claimed to have useful monotonicity properties.

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    Chris Shaver, Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i>The Coroutine Model of
    Computation</i></a>, Technical report, 
    University of California Berkeley, April, 2012.
  • Plain text
    Chris Shaver, Edward A. Lee. "The Coroutine Model of
    Computation". Technical report,  University of
    California Berkeley, April, 2012.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Chris Shaver and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {The Coroutine Model of Computation},
        institution = {University of California Berkeley},
        month = {April},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {This paper presents a general denotational
                  formalism called the Coroutine Model of
                  Computation for control-oriented computational
                  models. This formalism characterizes atomic
                  elements with control behavior as Continuation
                  Actors, giving them a static semantics with a
                  functional interface. Coroutine Models are then
                  defined as networks of Continuation Actors,
                  representing a set of control locations between
                  which control traverses during execution. This
                  paper gives both a strict and non-strict
                  denotational semantics for Coroutine Models in
                  terms of compositions of Continuation Actors and
                  their interfaces. In the strict form, the
                  traversal of control locations forms a control
                  path producing output values, whereas in the
                  non-strict form, execution traverses a tree of
                  potential control locations producing partial
                  information about output values. Furthermore, the
                  given non-strict form of these semantics is
                  claimed to have useful monotonicity properties.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/902.html}

Posted by Chris Shaver on 2 Apr 2012.
Groups: chess
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