
Precision Timed (PRET) Machines
Isaac Liu

Isaac Liu. "Precision Timed (PRET) Machines". Talk or presentation, 24, April, 2012.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation with physical processes. An number of applications can potentially benefit from the potential of CPS. However, these systems must be equipped to handle the inherent concurrency and inexorable passage of time of physical processes. The traditional computing abstractions only concern themselves with the functional aspects of a program, and not its timing properties. Thus, nearly every abstraction layer has failed to incorporate time into its semantics; the passage of time is merely a consequence of the implementation. When the temporal properties of the system must be guaranteed, designers must reach beneath the abstraction layers. This not only increases the design complexity and effort, but the designed systems are brittle and extremely sensitive to change. In this work, we re-examine the ISA layer and its affects on microarchitecture design. The ISA defines the contract between software instructions and hardware implementations. However, modern ISAs do not specify timing properties of the instructions as part of the contract, thus, architecture designs have largely implemented techniques that improve average performance at the expense of execution time variability. This leads to imprecise WCET bounds that limit the timing predictability and timing composability of architectures. In order to address the lack of temporal semantics in the ISA, we propose instruction extensions to the ISA that give temporal meaning to the program. The instruction extensions allow programs to specify execution time properties in software that must be observed for any correct execution of the program. In addition, we present the Precision Timed ARM (PTARM) architecture, a realization of Precision Timed (PRET) machines that provide timing predictability and composability without sacrificing performance. PTARM employs a predictable thread-interleaved pipeline with an exposed memory hierarchy that uses scratchpads and a predictable DRAM controller. This removes timing interference amongst the hardware threads, enabling timing composability in the architecture, and provides deterministic execution times for all instructions within the architecture, enabling timing predictability in the architecture. We show that the predictable thread-interleaved pipeline and DRAM controller also achieves better throughput compared to conventional architectures when fully utilized, accomplishing our goal to provide both predictability and performance. To show the applicability of the architecture, we present two applications implemented with the PRET architecture that utilize the predictable execution time and the timing extended ISA to achieve its design requirements. With this work, we aim to provide a deterministic foundation for higher abstraction layers, which enables more efficient designs of safety-critical cyber-physical systems.

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  • HTML
    Isaac Liu. <a
    ><i>Precision Timed (PRET)
    Machines</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  24,
    April, 2012.
  • Plain text
    Isaac Liu. "Precision Timed (PRET) Machines". Talk
    or presentation,  24, April, 2012.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Isaac Liu},
        title = {Precision Timed (PRET) Machines},
        day = {24},
        month = {April},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of
                  computation with physical processes. An number of
                  applications can potentially benefit from the
                  potential of CPS. However, these systems must be
                  equipped to handle the inherent concurrency and
                  inexorable passage of time of physical processes.
                  The traditional computing abstractions only
                  concern themselves with the functional aspects of
                  a program, and not its timing properties. Thus,
                  nearly every abstraction layer has failed to
                  incorporate time into its semantics; the passage
                  of time is merely a consequence of the
                  implementation. When the temporal properties of
                  the system must be guaranteed, designers must
                  reach beneath the abstraction layers. This not
                  only increases the design complexity and effort,
                  but the designed systems are brittle and extremely
                  sensitive to change. In this work, we re-examine
                  the ISA layer and its affects on microarchitecture
                  design. The ISA defines the contract between
                  software instructions and hardware
                  implementations. However, modern ISAs do not
                  specify timing properties of the instructions as
                  part of the contract, thus, architecture designs
                  have largely implemented techniques that improve
                  average performance at the expense of execution
                  time variability. This leads to imprecise WCET
                  bounds that limit the timing predictability and
                  timing composability of architectures. In order to
                  address the lack of temporal semantics in the ISA,
                  we propose instruction extensions to the ISA that
                  give temporal meaning to the program. The
                  instruction extensions allow programs to specify
                  execution time properties in software that must be
                  observed for any correct execution of the program.
                  In addition, we present the Precision Timed ARM
                  (PTARM) architecture, a realization of Precision
                  Timed (PRET) machines that provide timing
                  predictability and composability without
                  sacrificing performance. PTARM employs a
                  predictable thread-interleaved pipeline with an
                  exposed memory hierarchy that uses scratchpads and
                  a predictable DRAM controller. This removes timing
                  interference amongst the hardware threads,
                  enabling timing composability in the architecture,
                  and provides deterministic execution times for all
                  instructions within the architecture, enabling
                  timing predictability in the architecture. We show
                  that the predictable thread-interleaved pipeline
                  and DRAM controller also achieves better
                  throughput compared to conventional architectures
                  when fully utilized, accomplishing our goal to
                  provide both predictability and performance. To
                  show the applicability of the architecture, we
                  present two applications implemented with the PRET
                  architecture that utilize the predictable
                  execution time and the timing extended ISA to
                  achieve its design requirements. With this work,
                  we aim to provide a deterministic foundation for
                  higher abstraction layers, which enables more
                  efficient designs of safety-critical
                  cyber-physical systems.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/906.html}

Posted by Patricia Derler on 24 Apr 2012.
Groups: ptpresenters
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