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How do I set it up so that I get email whenever someone commits a change?
Christopher Brooks, 31 Jan 2011
Last updated: 1 Feb 2011

To set up email for CVS or Subversion:

  • Email will be set to people with developer accounts in a workgroup. To enable the developer choice, the admin of the workgroup should go to Admin -> Group Profile and select Software Project
  • the admin of the workgroup should go to the Admin->Configure Group page and click on the CVS mail list checkbox
  • then hit the Change group configuration button at the bottom. This will send email to the website managers who will create the mailing list and edit the loginfo file.

If a workgroup member would like to get email about cvs changes, they should go to Options -> Membership and request a Developer account for the corresponding workgroup.

(Website managers: the instructions for what to do for CVS are in] the dopsysadmin workgroup: How do I set up CVS mail?
For Subversion, see Setting up SVN Email)

See also How do I send commit log messages to a mailing list?

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