Module: computerVision

Module offering OpenCV image processing.

The filter architecture follows the pattern defined by Jerry Huxtable in the JH Labs Java Image Processing library, available from: and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (

To use, import the module: var cv = require('computerVision');

To obtain a list of filters: var filters = cv.filters;

Invoke a filter and handle the result. For example, in an accessor with an input "image" and output "result", to run findEdges():

var self = this;

this.addinputHandler('input', function() { var image = this.get('input'); var options = {}; options.cannyThreshold = 20;

cv.filter(image, 'findEdges', options, function(result) { self.send('output', result); }); });

The module supports these transforms: Filter.blur(options): Blur the image, optionally passing in options.blurSize (1-25). Filter.dilate(options): Dilate the image, optionally passing in options.erosionSize (0-21). Filter.erode(options): Erode the image, optionally passing in options.erosionSize (0-21). Filter.findContours(options): Find contours of an image, optionally passing in options.cannyThreshold (10-150). Filter.findEdges(options): Find edges of an image, optionally passing in options.cannyThreshold (10-150). Filter.gaussianBlur(options): Blur the image, optionally passing in options.blurSize (1-25). Filter.histogram(): Create a histogram from the image showing red, green and blue content. Filter.makeBGRA(): Convert image to blue, green, red, alpha colorspace. Filter.makeGray(): Convert image to grayscale. Filter.makeHSV(): Convert image to hue, saturation, value colorspace. Filter.makeYUV(): Convert image to luminance, chroma colorspace.

  • $$Id$$
  • Elizabeth Osyk


(static) filter(image, transform, options, callback)

Apply a filter to an image using (optional) options. Any unrecognized options are ignored. Note that previously applied options for a given filter will still be used, even if they are not set in this call.

Name Type Description

The image to filter.


The name of the transform to apply to the image.


An object whose fields specify filter options.


The callback to invoke once the result image is ready.


(static) filters()

Return an array of filters provided by this module.
